Külföldi torrent oldalak MusicVids | MV The future is exciting. Ready?

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. február 17..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    Hello there,

    The last few months have been relatively quiet due to the sudden change in our way of life, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Evolving situation at work as well as our personal lives didn't leave us with enough spare time to continue with the development of MusicVids as we had initially planned, due to which quite a few bugs and feature improvements largely went unaddressed.

    However, now that things have calmed down a bit, we are ready to move ahead and begin working on improving the website.
    Since a lot of members on our site use antiquated OS and BT clients, and at times are the only seeders on certain older torrents, we figured that it is extremely important to first safeguard and archive existing content on our website - after all, it is the content which brought us all together in the first place, isn't it?

    So, our first project is to set up an archive server in order to download all the content that has painstakingly been curated by our members over the last 15 years of this sites' existence - most of it is stuff that simply cannot be found elsewhere.

    Once backed up, the entire collection of active torrents will continue to remain well seeded, as we update the website back-end. This will also help our members transition to newer BT clients while adding and/or removing individual torrents as they see fit. Looking at you, Windows XP users rocking uTorrent 1.5+. [​IMG]

    Upon completion of the archival process, we will begin working on systematically upgrading the site + tracker, in accordance with best practices and modern standards. An itemized list of upcoming changes with an approximate timeline shall be shared later next month.

    Considering our plans for 2021, we would first like to take care of our operating costs for the year through an Annual Fundraiser. We feel that the annual event along with the added transparency will help us in the long run, while potentially saving us a decent chunk of change, once we enter into annual contracts with our vendors.

    To give you folks a clear picture of our operating expenses, we have tabulated the information below:


    Primary Web Server = 70 EUR/Mo | 840 EUR/Yr
    Image Hosting, Content Archive & Backup Server = 90 EUR/Mo | 1080 EUR/Yr
    Misc. Expenses such as IRC, Reverse Proxy, Git & Dev Server = 25 EUR/Mo | 300 EUR/Yr
    Domains = 40 EUR/Yr
    Total Annual Expenses = 2260 EUR/Yr

    All the information on how to donate can be found on the Donate page.

    Members willing and able to contribute to our annual fundraising goal of 2260 EUR are requested to send funds via BTC (Bit Coins). In case you are unable to contribute using cryptocurrencies, but are able to send funds via PayPal, please send a PM to C*** with the desired amount, as this is a stop-gap measure to help us gather the required funds and renew services at the earliest.

    Once you have successfully donated via Cryptocurrency of choice, please send the transactions details via PM to C***. Your account will be adjusted with donor perks upon validating your contribution within 72 hours.

    In addition, throughout the whole 2021 year, we will also rely on your usual persistent contributions, such as uploading videos, leaving helpful comments or participating in forum discussions, to keep MusicVids running at its best.

    With [​IMG],
    MusicVids Staff Team
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  2. macseklany / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2014. október 31.
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    UPDATE - 01/03/2021

    So far, we have managed to raise 475 EUR in donations. That puts us at about 21.0% of our required donation mark.

    We need to raise an additional 1785 EUR by the end of this month in order pay for our servers for another full year.
    Request you to donate via BTC or PayPal - PM C*** for further details.

    Your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
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  3. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    UPDATE #2 - 15/03/2021

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